CIBC Referral App

Project Details

To facilitate spread of information internally among employees and friends, CIBC asked us to create this tool.

How it works

  • A CIBC employee can sign into this tool using their work email and easily send others useful information. They can send information about CIBC products or services, refer someone for a job opening to HR, or report issues or concerns to ‘make it right’.

Features & Components

  • Easy to use interface to promote as many CIBC employees to use the tool
  • Fluid design and mobile optimized to be available on all screen sizes.
  • Accessibility standard compliant (WCAG 2.0) to work for the visually disabled.
  • Fully Legal compliant text on every page, and label.
  • Useful form validations on front end and server level.

Challenges & Other Comments

  • One challenge for this tool was making it meet WCGA accessibility standard. It was a new experience writing HTML with special attributes in order to be read properly by the screen reader. Testing the website with the screen reading, and navigating only via keyboard was something else I had to get used to.
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