Manulife Email Campaign

Project Details

A micro website with interactive investment projection graph to compliment an email campaign.


How it works

  • A customized email was sent out to pre-registered users for a campaign. Through a unique link on the email, you would be taken to this webpage that pulled relevant data (such as age, portfolio amount or contribution amount) based on the code in the email. Based on data loaded, the chart will be initiated and you could interact with the values, instantly redrawing your savings projections.

Features & Components

  • Custom emails campaign with variables pulled from each row of the database.
  • Webpage with dataset loaded based on unique code in email.
  • Interactive savings calculator that updates as inputs changes.
  • 5 different email templates for 5 different companies with 1000+ emails overall.

Challenges & Other Comments

  • Like any email campaign, careful management of emails-to-be-sent was required. Given an excel spreadsheet with basic user information on it (name, age, savings amount), we needed to create a unique code for each row, separate by 5 different companies and then create a uniquely generated email. For sending the emails, MailUp was used. We had to preprocess the data, create templates, and test various times to ensure no one got the email with wrong data/branding.
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